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  • Centaurus A

    If only the sky would clear more often!

    Here you go. Apart from all my duties as a husband and father with a full-time job and several projects on the go, this is all the sky has allowed me to capture so far.

    Two measly five minute exposures combined to produce this image of Centaurus A, 10–16 million light-years away. One of the closest radio galaxies to Earth, it's center contains a supermassive black hole with a mass equivalent to 55 million solar masses.

    This was two subexposures (frames) only. I really need to combine about thirty of them, along with dark frames, flat frames and offset/bias frames.

    GSO RC12 Truss, Orion Starshoot One Shot colour imager (V1),Off-axis guiding with SBIG STi, EQ8 Equatorial Mount.

    I'm just starting to get the hang of the new equipment but still got a ways to go.

    Australian Wildlife Photographer

    Barry Armstead Photography
    ASIGN Observatory II

  • #2
    Way over my head! (Pardon the pun)


    • #3
      Originally posted by seaslug View Post
      Way over my head! (Pardon the pun)
      ! Onya!

      Australian Wildlife Photographer

      Barry Armstead Photography
      ASIGN Observatory II


      • #4
        Amazing! Those stars surrounding it are so sharp and large. Hope Mother Nature co-operates with clear skies more often in the future.


        • #5
          Originally posted by P Plates View Post
          Amazing! Those stars surrounding it are so sharp and large. Hope Mother Nature co-operates with clear skies more often in the future.

          Those stars around it are in our galaxy. The view is peering out between our stars into the massive void between galaxies to the 10-16 million light year distant object.
          Australian Wildlife Photographer

          Barry Armstead Photography
          ASIGN Observatory II

