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  • Vertigo

    Unfortunately this inner ear 'condition' has been my companion over the past couple of days ...

    "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"

  • #2
    Interesting effect - no idea what it started out as...

    Good title

    D7500 | iPhone XS Max | Mac

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    • #3
      I hope the image isn't a reflection of how you are seeing the world while you endure vertigo.
      Haven't been there, not done that.


      • #4
        It's quite interesting Barb. It's a condition very common in Scuba divers. When descending or ascending, if your ears don't equalize (the pressure change) together at the same time, you get vertigo underwater. It's a very strange sensation and I can very much relate to your image. It's been known to panic many a diver who hasn't recognized what the problem is.

        The cure is simply to stop and wait and give your ears time to equalize and then it slowly comes right. A panicked rush to the surface would be the worse thing to do.


        • #5
          Thanks Alan, Jo and Greg

          Vertigo underwater would have to be my nightmare of nightmares .... I can well understand the panic that overtakes some divers.

          Jo .... the eyes are kept shut during the worst part .... but if you have to open them (such as going to the loo to throw up) then the world is definitely skewif.

          I have had tinnitus for a few years now, with high pitched ringing ..... (previously suffered crippling migraines as a young adult ..... and motion sickness as a child). Now it has progressed to Menieres Disease with episodes once a year. (still much more manageable than the 3 day migraines). There is a way to help resettle the ear crystals to reduce the vertigo ..... but I still get left with a washed out feeling for some time after. Currently dizziness is at a minimum but my left ear has developed a distinct pressure feeling .... so off to the doc Monday if not settled.

          Alan this is the original image .... radial blur zoom applied twice > duplicate image > apply twirl in one direction to first layer > then apply twirl in opposite direction to the other layer > blend mode to suit > hue and saturation were altered > another filter was applied after this in Elements (can't remember which one) and blended to suit. It also visitied nik and LR,

          Last edited by Sully; 03-09-2016, 08:39 AM.
          "If you change the way you look at things ........ the things you look at change"


          • #6
            Makes me giddy just thinking about all that processing!

