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  • Isac
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks for that info Ralph, appreciated. I've not seen any of these, so TFS.

  • Ralph
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks for that Isac. For me to get a shot with a Greater Blue Bonnet is a good day as these bugger will land and you will just get them in focus and they will take off again. I now will not give them a 2nd look due to this and wait for my chance to come like it did on this day. And then and only then will I take the time to get a photo of them. The others like the Red-rumped are quite approachable with the Mallee Ringneck it really depends on the bird as some will fly off and the next one won't worry too much about you being close by. Leaving the Mulga Parrot who might be the easiest to get closer to over all.

  • Isac
    I agree #2 is a standout Ralph. All lovely shots though with all of them showing their beautiful colours.

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  • Ralph
    commented on 's reply
    Thanks for that and with the 4th shot I actually don't mind it as it is how it was shot so to me this is how it should be posted. But this is what makes for more interest as we all like thing's different and this is far better than just agreeing. It would be so boring if we all liked the same thing I think.

  • wigz
    I definitely agree with #2 as the pick of these as it is a very nice shot. #4 is excellent too but those out-of-focus foreground twigs make it a bit less appealing for me.

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  • Ralph
    started a topic Parrots


    As usual not too far from home but I was over the other side of the river where I got this lot.

    Mulga Parrot up high in the tree
    Click image for larger version

Name:	NSW Alone 2-08-2022 (36).jpg
Views:	80
Size:	443.4 KB
ID:	488402
    2 Mallee Ringneck and this is my favourite shot
    Click image for larger version

Name:	NSW Alone 2-08-2022 (77).jpg
Views:	81
Size:	302.4 KB
ID:	488403
    3 Red-rumped Parrot
    Click image for larger version

Name:	NSW Alone 2-08-2022 (211).jpg
Views:	73
Size:	457.0 KB
ID:	488404
    4 Greater Blue Bonnet
    Click image for larger version

Name:	NSW Alone 2-08-2022 (261).jpg
Views:	75
Size:	460.2 KB
ID:	488405