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  • State of the art emergency vehicle

    Photographed a few years ago on the Oodnadatta Track at William Creek. Maybe unit #2 was out fighting a fire.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Oodnadatta Track12.jpg
Views:	82
Size:	244.5 KB
ID:	489738

    I don't think that the locals have much to worry about, there's not much out there to catch fire.

    Click image for larger version

Name:	Wm Creek.jpg
Views:	71
Size:	133.4 KB
ID:	489739
    My Gear

  • #2
    Haha! Good shot. The pump looks in surprisingly good condition.

    My brother and sister-in-law were there a few days ago. They got up to the Dalhousie Hot Springs before a bit of rain turned the roads mud. They stayed put for yesterday and waited for others to come from the other direction giving road condition reports. They got on their way again this morning after asking me to check on the weather forecast. I am hopefully meeting them in Birdsville on the Tuesday 6th September for his birthday celebrations. I leave Brisbane at Sparrows F..t tomorrow morning (Saturday 3rd Sept). Last time I was there I was in a bit of a hurry. This time, now being retired, I'll take my time and take lots of photos.


    • Grumpy John
      Grumpy John commented
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      The Dalhousie hot springs are fantastic, just what you need after traveling hundreds of K's on dusty bumpy roads.
      Are you going to be in Birdsville for the races?

    • griffljg
      griffljg commented
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      We were planning to be in Birdsville AFTER the races, when most of the spectators had gone home. This morning, I had got as far as Roma, before my mobile rang. - It was my sister-in-law on the satellite phone telling me that they had spoken to some travellers who were trying to get through to the races and had been told that all the access roads to Birdsville had been cut off on account of the flooding. I stopped the car, parked it and then looked at the Queensland traffic website.

      She was right! All roads to Birdsville are closed. I turned around and went home. - Nearly 1000km wasted! On my way home, my brother called on the satellite phone again to tell me that he had heard that the Birdsville Races have been cancelled. :-( I haven't verified this yet. But I am safely home in Brisbane. I saw that most of the creek and river crossings between Brisbane and Roma were running fairly full. So I expect that there might be some flooding in north-western NSW in the not-too-distant future.

      My brother and his mates are now trying to get back to Dalhousie to decide what to do next.

    • Grumpy John
      Grumpy John commented
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      It's a rough life out in the Australian outback. Americans have some idea, but generally Europeans do not realise the vastness and huge size if this country.

  • #3
    Good one grumpy. Thats actually full of beer!


  • #4
    Always good to be prepared for anything.

