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  • Just think about this persons life

    1885- 1934 - 49 years only.

    At birth
    No automobiles
    No air travel
    No wireless
    No TV
    No moving pictures
    Extremely limited photography
    Quack medical treatment was the norm

    At death
    Motor vehicles are common
    Commercial air travel is available
    Wireless receivers are common in houses
    TV broadcasting has begun in some countries
    Not only did movies have sound colour movies were starting to appear.
    35mm film is readily available and Leica have released the model III already.
    Penicillin had been invented formalized health car was available

    The world
    The American west was "tamed"
    The Boer Wars
    World War 1
    The fall of the Russian Tsar
    The great depression
    The rise of the Nazi party and preparations for WW 2.

    They say things move quickly today but realistically i think the start and end of this persons life probably saw more significant changes than most people alive today will see.


  • #2
    He certainly saw huge changes during his life, and those inventions have been further developed to an amazing, but that period probably seen more changes than any other. The Industrial Revolution also saw many changes to people’s lives.
    Alan W

    My Gallery


    • #3
      And he is still remembered. That is an achievement...

