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  • Drummers for Mick!

    It was with the many shots of musicians, especially drummers, that Mick has taken in mind, I made sure that I took photo of drummers and percussionists at the recent WOMADelaide held back in March.

    A few too many shots here for one post. Sorry. But it's a complete set.

    1. Swedish cool.........

    2. Very cool.

    3. Cool still learning.

    4. Yea, I'm getting there!

    5. Effortless cool.

    6. Latin cool.

    7. Latin excitement.

    8. Most attractive drummer.

    9. Scarry drummer.

    10. Two cool percussionists.

    11. Deceptively cool.

    12. French cool.

    13. Uber Cuban cool.

    14. Cuban excitement.

    15. Cuban cool excitement and fun.

    16. Thanks. If you're here, you've made it to the end. Have a look at that massive dust bunny!! If it's not a dust bunny (it's not), what is it? Sadly, no prizes for guessing.

    Last edited by sejac; 15-04-2014, 10:04 AM.

    My indecision is final, I think.

  • #2
    A wonderful series of image Charles. Drummers are a nightmare to try and capture without a cymbal in their face or a high hat spike up the nose.

    Absolutely love #14 and especially #15, excellent timing on the shots capturing excitement, drama and the sheer joy of making music.

    #8 is a wonderful image and not just because the percussionist is pretty, though that does sway my judgement, I'm only human (and male) but the glorious colour and killer smile. Has a serious Wow factor, what a superb image. Needs a wall to hang on.

    #11 deserves special mention possibly for no other reason than the gender, age, beard, moustache, glasses and wild hair. Looks like a cross between Einstein and David Crosby (after a long stint at weight watchers).

    No need to apologize for so many images, not when they are of this calibre. Thanks for sharing.

    I think that black hole could actually be...... a black hole! We're all gunna die!

    I told that bloke from CERN to stop smashing those little particles together..... but what would I know they all said.

    Either that or it's a hole in the space time continuim.......and we're all gunna die!

    Doctor Who warned us about this stuff on episode five series two. But does anyone take notice of him? Nooooooo. So who's laughing now.

    Maybe, just maybe, if we're lucky, we'll be transported to a parallel universe where I will be the Ultimate Ruler of the New Universe so send money now and I'll look after me folks, I know about this stuff. Bank details available on request. (Hint: Your new overlord does not like cheapskates)
    Question everything ~ Christopher Hitchins


    • #3
      Thanks for your warm and considered comments Mick.

      And you are correct about #16. I'm positive it's a hole in the space time continuum, and it's letting in a view of a black hole. We get them at my place all the time. It's where socks, screw drivers, my glasses and other stuff I'm looking for, go to!

      I wonder if the unbelievers have any other ideas?

      My indecision is final, I think.


      • Gaz
        Gaz commented
        Editing a comment
        Bad hair day??...also a Doctor Who fan so I'll go along with the crack in the wall

    • #4
      Great set of shots Charles, imagine the lighting would be a nightmare for me. I really like #2, because of the colours, really funky looking drumstick in #7, and could imagine my youngest son donning a costume like #9 when he was going through his heavy metal stage - now I just wish he'd move somewhere big enough to take his drum kit with him. The sheer joy on some of the faces is a pleasure to view.


      • #5
        Up to your usual high standard Charles. I was hoping we were going to see some photos of the Festival. (No idea what the blob is - a wayward balloon?)


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